It has been too long since Judie last released an album; after ‘Peace has Broken Out’ was released the years have disappeared, due to the pandemic and working with other exciting artists but we are happy to say that, as always, Judie has been writing songs and her favourites are ready together as an album.
Order ‘Jude the Unsinkable’ CD or Vinyl Now!
The wonderful people who participated in the Fan funding Project and a few people in the industry, have been able to experience the album already and the response has been overwhelming and positive! – Below is some of the feedback.
“Your voice is so rich… Idiot Kings is incredible… It’s beautiful – ‘Whispering’ Bob Harris
“The album is gorgeous. Classy in every way, as your music always is.” – Paul Sexton
“Such a beautiful, beautiful album and so well worth the wait!
Every track just melts in a melodious concoction of effortless harmonies.
This is a very grown-up album by someone who has been a quiet genius for over 40 years.
Each track is as strong as the next, one of her very best!” – Simon D.
“A huge chunk of light, happy and joyous feelings have arrived. Jude's new collection of songs are here, like a new addition to the family. Full of beautiful melodies, thoughtful and emotive words and Jude's beautiful voice.
This may be Jude's best collection of songs yet!” – Kevin F.
“It’s a wonderful and impressive album, and her always evocative voice is a thing of real beauty and depth.” Graeme B.
“A new Judie Tzuke album of 12 concise, melodic, engrossing songs. Opening with a defiant 'unsinkable' Judie letting us and herself know she's still here after all these years despite everything. Judie, we are so thankful.
Lyrically this set of songs come across as a darker Judie, contemplative and reflecting the frailties and resilience of the human spirit in equal measure.
Favourite tracks are Evergreen and Keeper of the Sun. The former instrumentally understated but a smorgasbord of sound and a glass half full defiant lyric. The latter is just so beautiful, evocative and a wonderful album closer.
Production is airy and spacious, Judie's voice front and centre, singing with nuance and emotion.
This album deserves an audience beyond the boundaries of the fanbase, so fingers crossed for decent promotion.
Judie's body of work is titanic but she's the real deal, unsinkable!” – Ian G.
“44 years of listening to Judie and she still sounds as good as ever.
To say I am a very happy man would be an understatement!” – Charles H.
“It was certainly worth the wait… Sublime album” – James W.
“It's an excellent, varied collection of songs.
Judie’s voice is bang on.” – Barry J.
“I just received Judie Tzuke's new CD. I immediately stopped all activities and listened to it. It's a pure marvel and I was frustrated when the CD was finished. It's a pleasure to listen to a beautiful voice with good musicians. The sound is also superb as well as the production.
In this brutal world everyone should listen to this CD and everything would be better.” - Jean-Jacques L.
“The album is brilliant, great songs, voice so beautifully present and awesome arrangements!” – Tony B.
“Bloody Brilliant… just as talented as ever!!!!” Willi M.
“Thank you for the download, Kate and I listened to the new album on constant repeat on our way down to Cornwall and agree that it is quite magnificent.
The power, richness and warmth of Jude’s voice is simply wonderful, and the mix/mastering is excellent. We cannot wait to get back home to listen to the album on our ‘proper’ system.” – Simon T.

1 – Unsinkable [Tzuke/Mark]
2 – Idiot Kings [Tzuke/Mark]
3 – Sanctuary [Tzuke/Rumer/Goodes]
4 – Deadlock [Tzuke/Welsh/Goodes]
5 - White Picket Fence [Tzuke/Hartman/Kenny]
6 – Evergreen [Tzuke/Thorogood]
7 – Rituals [Tzuke/Welsh/Goodes]
8 – Sunflowers [Tzuke/Keeley]
9 - I See You [Tzuke/Welsh/Goodes]
10 - Old Movies [Tzuke/Welsh/Sheen]
11 - You’ve Got To Be In It [Tzuke/Melberg/Johnstone]
12 - Keeper Of The Sun [Tzuke/Kay/Goodes]
Side One
1 – Unsinkable [Tzuke/Mark]
2 – Sanctuary [Tzuke/Rumer/Goodes]
3 – Evergreen [Tzuke/Thorogood]
4 – Sunflowers [Tzuke/Keeley]
5 - White Picket Fence [Tzuke/Hartman/Kenny]
Side Two
6 – Idiot Kings [Tzuke/Mark]
7 – Rituals [Tzuke/Welsh/Goodes]
8 - I See You [Tzuke/Welsh/Goodes]
9 - Old Movies [Tzuke/Welsh/Sheen]
10 - You’ve Got To Be In It [Tzuke/Melberg/Johnstone]
11 - Keeper Of The Sun [Tzuke/Kay/Goodes]
Vinyl Orders include Download
Of Album with Extra Track (Deadlock).